What you need to know about wall paints

What you need to know about wall paints

If you think about furnishing, think first of furniture, storage space and flooring and only much later on the appropriate wall paint. The use of wall paint has a great influence on the spatial effect and are therefore the perfect alternative to wallpaper. Wall colors give a room a more stimulating or restrained character. Color can have a calming effect in the bedroom, conveying energy in the bathroom or making small rooms look larger. But how can one choose the right one between the many nuances in which each wall color is available today?

Bright colors for smaller rooms

The colors white, broken white and bright powder colors on the wall direct the viewer’s gaze into the distance. Small rooms therefore look much larger due to a bright wall color – and bright tones are also recommended for this reason as ceiling colors. And because they don’t play in the foreground, they are ideally suited for the bedroom. Bright and neutral colors – such as grey, light grey, beige and sand – can also be tolerated with glamorous room details. As if there were, for example: decorative trims, stucco or extravagant furniture. To make white color not bland: Vary the tonal value of your wall color or decorate a wall in the room with soft patterns or wallpaper textures.

Dark colors for dramatic effects

Nothing for cowards is a dark wall color. When dark colors are properly used, it looks really attractive and dramatic at the same time, making inconspicuous rooms expressive rooms. You can use a related wall paint or ceiling paint for the floor, walls, and ceiling. Then the contours of the room blur. If you want more varied, you can use contrasting colors for your accessories. Accents should stand out clearly from the background. Only then will you become an eye-catcher in the room with dark wall paint.

Create atmosphere with wall paint

Before you resort to brushes and paint, consider the mood you want to create in each room. Should the room look cool and calm or sensual and cozy due to the chosen color scheme? Some wall colors influence the perception of the room dimensions, others change the daylight so significantly that the rest of the interior of the room suddenly looks completely different due to the choice of wall color.

Room colors

A warmer color like red or strong orange gives your room a luminous warmth and therefore well suited for your rooms that rarely see the sun. Those who tend to like darker colors should work with shiny surfaces in their rooms, as they additionally reflect the light. A rather cold color like turquoise or dark blue dampens the bright sunlight in south and west areas. These colors also visually enlarge small rooms and have a relaxing effect. These cool colors are ideal for work, sleeping or your bathrooms.

Color recipes

With the help of color tables, it is suitable for this purpose. They show what shades of color a supplier has to offer. Using such color table, your desired hue is quickly found. A color table is usually structured column by column, besides small hue fields – for the overview – the special color name and the color code are often recorded in the other columns.

The color codes are something like color recipes. In addition, other properties such as silk gloss, matte or the application area of the paint – for example as interior paint or special ceiling paint – are often listed in the color table. This allows you to quickly find your favorite color and also name the right color based on the specific color code when ordering and purchasing colors. If you are in need of a professional painting services, you can visit painters Abilene TX and book an appointment.

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